0309921077-002 〢 BRANCH OF LOCK & LOCK HCM CO., LTD

congtyfdi Vietnamese name BRANCH OF LOCK & LOCK HCM CO., LTD
Business ID/ Tax ID 0309921077-002
Own capital Companies with foreign investment (FDI)
Head office Lot N-5, 7 Street No. 6, Long Hau Industrial Park expanded, Hamlet 3, Long Hau Commune, Can Giuoc District, Long An Province, Vietnam
Legal representative person CHUN HAE WOO
Tel 0907796818
Date of registration 04/12/2014
Legal type of business Non-state limited company
Operating status Active (Certificate issue)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Warehousing and storage of goods
BRANCH OF LOCK & LOCK HCM CO., LTD (Vietnamese name: CHI NHÁNH CÔNG TY TNHH LOCK & LOCK HCM) is foreign invested capital company (FDI). The company established on 04/12/2014 under the Business Registration Number, which is also the Tax Identification Number: 0309921077-002. The official registered business sector code (VSIC) of the company is 5210, detailed: Warehousing and storage of goods. The company is operating at Lot N-5, 7 Street No. 6, Long Hau Industrial Park expanded, Hamlet 3, Long Hau Commune, Can Giuoc District, Long An Province, Vietnam and legal representative person is CHUN HAE WOO. The company operation under legal form of Non-state limited company. The financial statement of BRANCH OF LOCK & LOCK HCM CO., LTD company is following the The Vietnamese Accounting Standards.

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
1512 Production of suitcases, handbags, and similar items; production of saddles
4100 Construction of all types of buildings
4690 General retail trade
4799 Retail sale of other unclassified forms.
5210 Warehousing and storage of goods
6810 Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis, belonging to owners, users, or lessees.