congtyfdi Vietnamese name ADRIVA EXIM COMPANY LIMITED
Short name ADRIVA EXIM
Business ID/ Tax ID 0316930812
Registered Capital 115.750.000,00
Own capital Companies with foreign investment (FDI)
Head office Room 4.57, 4th floor, officetel area of ​​Sunrise City North Building, No. 27 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Legal representative person DALLA-RIVA LEA
Tel 0904484631
Date of registration 06/07/2021
Legal type of business Non-state limited company
Operating status Active (Certificate issue)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Management consulting services.
ADRIVA EXIM COMPANY LIMITED (Vietnamese name: CÔNG TY TNHH ADRIVA EXIM) is foreign invested capital company (FDI). The company established on 06/07/2021 under the Business Registration Number, which is also the Tax Identification Number: 0316930812. The official registered business sector code (VSIC) of the company is 7020, detailed: Management consulting services. with charter capital of 115.750.000,00. The company is operating at Room 4.57, 4th floor, officetel area of ​​Sunrise City North Building, No. 27 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan Hung Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and legal representative person is DALLA-RIVA LEA. The company operation under legal form of Non-state limited company. The financial statement of ADRIVA EXIM COMPANY LIMITED company is following the The Vietnamese Accounting Standards.

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
4610 Agents, brokers, and auctioneers of goods
4632 Wholesale of food products
4633 Wholesale of beverages
4641 Wholesale of fabrics, apparel, footwear
4649 Wholesale of other household goods
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4722 Retail trade in food in specialized stores
4723 Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores
4772 Retail sale of drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and toiletries in specialized stores
4781 Retail sale of food, beverages, tobacco, and betel nut from mobile stalls or markets.
4782 Retail sale of textiles, ready-made garments, and footwear from mobile stalls or markets.
4789 Retail sale of other goods from mobile stalls or markets.
4791 Retail sale by mail order or internet.
6820 Real estate consulting, brokerage, auctioning, and auctioning of land use rights.
7020 Management consulting services.