3002029056 〢 UP HA TINH CO.,LTD

congtyfdi Vietnamese name UP HA TINH CO.,LTD
English name UP HA TINH CO.,LTD
Short name UP HA TINH CO.,LTD
Business ID/ Tax ID 3002029056
Registered Capital 109.509.850.000,00
Own capital Companies with foreign investment (FDI)
Head office Lot B18-B22 Phu Vinh Industrial Park, Ky Lien Ward, Ky Anh Town, Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam
Legal representative person CHEN, CHUN - YEN
Date of registration 15/04/2016
Legal type of business Non-state limited company
Operating status Active (Certificate issue)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Mechanical processing, treatment, and coating of metals
UP HA TINH CO.,LTD (Vietnamese name: CÔNG TY TNHH UP HÀ TĨNH) is foreign invested capital company (FDI). The company established on 15/04/2016 under the Business Registration Number, which is also the Tax Identification Number: 3002029056. The official registered business sector code (VSIC) of the company is 2592, detailed: Mechanical processing, treatment, and coating of metals with charter capital of 109.509.850.000,00. The company is operating at Lot B18-B22 Phu Vinh Industrial Park, Ky Lien Ward, Ky Anh Town, Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam and legal representative person is CHEN, CHUN - YEN. The company operation under legal form of Non-state limited company. The financial statement of UP HA TINH CO.,LTD company is following the The Vietnamese Accounting Standards.

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
2591 Forging, pressing, stamping, and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy
2592 Mechanical processing, treatment, and coating of metals
2599 Manufacture of other fabricated metal products not elsewhere classified
2824 Manufacture of mining and construction machines
2829 Manufacture of other specialized machines
3311 Repair of cast metal products
3312 Repair of machinery and equipment
3314 Repair of electrical equipment
3319 Repair of other equipment
3320 Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
4321 Installation of electrical systems
4322 Installation of water supply and drainage systems, heating and air conditioning systems
4329 Installation of other building installation systems
4610 Agents, brokers, and auctioneers of goods
4651 Wholesale of computers, peripherals, and software
4652 Wholesale of electronic devices and components, telecommunications
4659 Wholesale of machinery, equipment, and machine parts, other
4662 Wholesale of metals and metal ores
4690 General retail trade
4799 Retail sale of other unclassified forms.
5210 Warehousing and storage of goods
7110 Architectural activities and related technical consulting.
7730 Rental of machinery, equipment, and tangible goods (without operators).